About us

our passion, our lifestyle

discover the 9 keys

Indulge, escape

Book your wellness holiday and discover the 9 keys to a healthy and long life according to Buettner. Ikaria, a serene island nestled in the Aegean Sea, is renowned for its unique way of life, embodying a harmonious blend of body and mind. This enchanting locale is not only a geographical gem but also a living testament to the concept of Blue Zones—regions where people experience remarkable longevity and vitality. The residents of Ikaria have crafted a lifestyle that transcends the ordinary, placing a profound emphasis on the interconnectedness of physical health and mental well-being. 

Here, the pace of life is deliberately unhurried, encouraging a deep connection with nature and fostering a sense of community. The islanders, known for their vibrant traditions and warm hospitality, engage in activities that nourish both body and soul. From savoring wholesome, locally sourced cuisine to participating in lively social gatherings, the Ikarian way of life exemplifies a holistic approach to health and happiness. The island’s culture, deeply rooted in ancient traditions, celebrates the intricate dance between the body and mind, creating a living testament to the enduring allure of the Blue Zone lifestyle.

Power 9

Blue Zones regions are Ikaria, an island in Greece; Okinawa, an island in Japan; the Barbagia region of Sardinia (Italy); Loma Linda, a small city in California, and the Nicoya peninsula in Costa Rica

With the Blue Zones team of medical researchers, anthropologists, demographers, and epidemiologists, we found the evidence-based common denominators of all the Blue Zones regions. We call them the Power 9:

  • 1. Move naturally
  • 2. Know your purpose
  • 3. Down shift
  • 4. 80% rule
  • 5. Plant slant
  • 6. Wine
  • 7. Belong
  • 8. Loved one first
  • 9. Right tribe
how it started

My name is Monique Kempkes, 55 years old and I have been devoted to healthy and delicious food throughout my entire life. I enjoy staying active; I prefer using the bike as much as possible and love walking with our two dogs.

Not a week goes by without sports. The activities I mainly participate in now are power (group weightlifting to music) and yoga. I like to be surrounded by (young) people and enjoy pampering them with homemade meals. Additionally, I like to treat them to a glass of good wine.

I run an administrative office called Femique Administrations. Last summer, I decided that I want to do something I truly enjoy!  Start a business with my passions, which include healthy eating, exercising, traveling, making people around me happy, and sharing these experiences with them so we can all grow old in a haealthy way!

Hope to meet you soon! x Monique
Discover Ikaria


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