With Dutch Icarian Longevity you become a resident of a Blue Zone for a while. But what exactly is a Blue Zone?
Blue Zones® are places in the world where it has been proven that people there have a much greater chance of reaching the age of 90+ than in other places.
The concept of ‘blue zones’ emerged from the demographic work of Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain. During their investigations, Pes and Poulain drew concentric blue circles on the map to distinguish villages with extremely long lifespans. They therefore called these areas ‘blue zones’. Building on that demographic work, Dan Buettner and a team of scientists, often including Pes and Poulain, have pinpointed other longevity hotspots worldwide.
Ikaria, Greece
The residents of Ikaria live eight years longer than Americans, have half the rate of heart disease and have almost no dementia.
Loma Linda, California USA
East of Los Angeles, lives a community of Adventists, proving the power of faith, friendship and fruit.
Sardinia, Italy
Sardinia has the largest concentration of male centenarians in the world. The super healthy lifestyle hasn’t changed much in the past few thousand years.
Okinawa, Japan
Okinawa is home to the world’s longest-living women. It is striking that people there mainly eat stir-fried vegetables, sweet potatoes and tofu.
Nicoya, Costa Rica
This peninsula on the Pacific coast has residents who are twice as likely to live to 90 years as Westerners.
Common characteristics have been found in these areas that contribute to the health and longevity of the inhabitants. Although the exact list of the ‘keys’ may vary, the following nine aspects are often mentioned:
Natural exercise: People in Blue Zones have regular, moderate physical activity as part of their daily routine. They don’t have to run marathons or go to a gym.
Purpose: Having a sense of purpose in life can have a positive impact on health and well-being.
Stress Management: The ability to manage stress in a healthy way plays a crucial role in the health of people in Blue Zones.
Moderate calorie intake: Eating small portions, especially in the later years of life, can contribute to a longer life.
Plant-based diet: A diet consisting primarily of plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and nuts.
Moderate alcohol consumption: Some Blue Zones show moderate consumption of alcohol, often in the form of red wine and during social occasions.
Family Ties: Strong family ties and social networks contribute to the health and well-being of people in Blue Zones.
Community: Having a sense of belonging and involvement in a community is an important aspect of Blue Zones life.
Spirituality and Religion: For some Blue Zones, religious involvement or spiritual practice is a common feature.
Ikaria is one of the five places in the world known as the Blue Zones. Is that why we see so many old people on Ikaria? And is it their way of life that makes them grow old? And all in good condition too!
The lack of stress is a big factor.
The attitude to life of the residents of Ikaria is full of tranquility and watches are rarely worn. Another part of healthy aging is the diet that residents have had for centuries. They mainly eat a lot of vegetables, grown in their vegetable garden or picked in the wild, beans, and only small amounts of meat and sugar, and more fish and grains. A glass of wine completes the meal.
Balance in movement and rest.
Growing your own vegetables is not only healthy, but also provides the necessary exercise. Because that also plays a role in healthy aging. There is still rest in the afternoon. Research has shown that people who regularly take an afternoon nap are healthier as they age. From a social perspective, older people are still holding their own. The elderly are an important part of family life. For example, grandpa takes care of the grandchildren after school and grandma still prepares food for her family every day.
Geology also appears to play a role in the health of the residents of Ikaria. The soil and the sea contain certain minerals to which healthy properties are attributed. Hot springs surface in various places along the coast, where residents regularly take a bath.